Tuesday, March 13, 2012

wot power leveling impulsive - EGX

129756355718750000_42"Money? Do you have the right channels? Buy financial products relatively stable but the income is not high, buy stocks now almost committed suicide, rather than deposit it.  "Tomorrow is 38 international women's day, women more independent now, money has also become a part of the lives of many women, but as a white-collar Miss CHAN said, worry a lot. Male relativeSex, female cautious by nature, emotional, and the adjective seems to be incompatible with needs and numbers of financial investment. What are the characteristics of female finance? What issues could face?  This week, the reporter was doing a little research, if you are a woman, may wish to control his own situation. Group portrait in the various investment channels, females appeared more and more,Many families are women "Palm".  However, the reporters interviewed several of the Bank's wealth management Division, securities and futures companies Business Manager, found that women currently investment channels is relatively limited, compared to men, their investments are more cautious. Great single men under single female duowangjing (industrial and commercial bank Ningbo branch Finance Division) Fund clients, I found an interesting phenomenon: the next big single is often the male customers, small tend to be women, and the latter is more like a casting. Of course, this is not an absolute phenomenon, closely related to the customer's individual risk preferences.  Do customers trust has a similar situation, even if the order is a female customer, may also have a green light on the back of the man. In goldChannel, select the gold investment and investment in physical gold is the female customers than male customer.  Looks like women more focused on asset protection, but there are a lot of male customers more cautious, more like the capital preservation products, more obvious is that comes from customers in the field of industrial investment. Select products to mainly short term Lu Qiao (Bank of Ningbo Branch Banking Division) I have contacted the womanCustomers in more than 35 years old, of investing in financial products and trust products relatively more. Of course, choose specific or individual risk tolerance.  For female customers, investment income and assets are their concerns, but ensure asset security is the prerequisite, in this context, we want to maximize the return on investment. Female customer financingLocked in the 5 years following short-term financing, mostly the purchased item within a year for up to two years, although there are three to five years of debt, but not much. In addition, the focus on pensions and child education, such as there are, but basically was not very clear in financial planning. For example children Education Fund, are generally just leaving the children, Visa will go to the fixed depositAmount of money. Financial goals is not very clear Mao Tongwei (China Everbright Bank (micro-blogging) Ningbo branch financial management Division, gold investment analysts) many women I usually contact customers, financial customers are predominantly female, is understandable, after all, modern woman of the family money. Female customers to finance basic is 40-50 years of age. In contrast, female customerFinance more robust, financial security and earnings concerns, but prominent point is basically no clear financial goals.  Female clients select investment channels now it is quite diverse, insurance, and stock, trust funds, financial products are involved, choose physical gold investment is a lot. Future women zhe Zhang (South China futures Ningbo Sales DepartmentManager) futures, but a very small number of forceful female investors and General female investor appetite for risk is lower, is the operation carefully and invest in cyclical long shown. (Figures) female investor in Ningbo sales department about 5% per cent of total number of investors, although national data may be a little higher, but on average male and female ratio acceptable 10:1 wot power leveling, specific data and statistics. Futures investment needs a bit of adventure, if you had the opportunity to mouth, eaten must be seized as soon as possible, and females most investors do not see this. Their cautious, hesitation, taking into account often fail to grasp the opportunity.  By contrast, male investors more assertive, often like a warehouse operation. Woman holding longer than malesSales Marketing Manager, Liu Ying Ningbo liuding Street) when it comes to money, women investors may choose to fund more voted this way. Female finance tend to return a stable investment, such as, funds and other financial products. In the securities industry, currently under the domestic stock market, good little female customer operations. Because the stock every day staring at, concern business information wot power leveling, for variousData analysis and expertise input energy to many, it is difficult for the women. According to my observation, many women had once hung up you choose to stay, will no longer go to attention, compared to male customers frequent operation style, longer holding time, most in the long term. Even now, many retired women investors in the stock market, moreIs to pass the time, much less hands-on world of tanks power leveling, compared to similar activity is much higher for male customers. Female PK investment advantages and disadvantages listening to financial analysis Division and expert analysis, there may be some women compatriots are more depressed. However, under the United Kingdom Research Institute's new study, more women than men are good at finance and investment. Reason is simple: Male love adventure, woman good control. So, women will avoid many stupid risks, ultimately in the selection of strategic investments, women tend to earn more.  Of course, the theory also requires practice has shown that for women investors, only know the strengths and weaknesses of their investment, to be successful. Advantages: almost no women likes to shop around don't like shoppingStreet shopping, and often shop around, look at the price/performance.  This price-sensitive, also applies to financial products and stock selection, can greatly reduce investment risk. Actually, the game ended game theory of human nature of financial planning.  In women, impulsive, dead determined to save face, stubborn, impatient, and gambling and other offensive weakness reflected less. As long as the female investmentAdhere to the investment, finding suitable financing channel, yields can also be expected. Disadvantages: no time and something; female liberation slogans shouted over the years, but modern women of the household is still very heavy. Buying food, cooking, child, which also have time to focus on and understand market information? Want to invest in, to contact and work with large amounts of information every day. Therefore, Women are generally not free to do market analysis and research, the most common message is "Street", this is clearly not science. In addition, more cautious or timid female nature, data say about ordinary women received $ 10% in profits is profits.  This advantage can be said to be, but if you met a great bull market, that income may be on the low side. RecommendedFemale finance with care "minefield" now that you know your financial strengths and weaknesses, some mined areas would have been careful to avoid.  For women, there are problems which need to be careful? Assets to focus on the search for stability returns to more clearly understand the investment characteristics of women, journalists also made a small random surveys, found under the influence of various factors, most women investorsAdventurous, financial channels mostly bank savings, or hold a small number of stocks and banking products. Although you can guarantee the safety of funds in this way, but now under the pressure of rising prices, savings alone, assets are actually "depreciation". In order to resist inflation, female investors have to change but stability does not see gains in financial management concepts, actively seeking bothDiverse investment channels of sound, higher income and wealth management division recommend collection of open funds, bonds, precious metals, money, investment assets through diversification of financial gains. More professional and less listening to "roadside" everyone is doing is definitely good projects? Really can't say. Many investors like to pass on, but if you are on the financialThe crowd, to finance and investment activities with friends and relatives, but a dangerous way, after all, everyone has a different risk tolerance and risk appetite is not the same. In order to avoid this State, suggested that female investors participate in the Bank's wealth management forum, see more of financial books and magazines. Female finance to get a sense of sound away from risk investmentThe most important female finance: "100 standard" female financial protection program and save up $ 1.5 million pension beauty tips to build financial management on city female finance: before the age of 30 for himself after the age of 30 for family finance and urban women to escort for household assets (fig) women finance easier to trap errors in prison husband forgot his wallet 60% Chinese families rely on womenFinance finance knowledge of the world's worst "under the new interpretation of the basic law" female finance strategy expert zhizhao women finance: women of wealth is not bad money