Monday, March 26, 2012

diablo 3 gold European stock markets opened higher - LIV

129757007351093750_26On March 8, industrial paper gold price trend analysis (in Europe) comments view mobile phone free March 08, 2012 Gold network Bank paper gold on Thursday (March 8) in Europe rose in early trading to $ 343/g above the international spot gold in Europe early on Thursday burstBreak of 1690 dollars/ounce diablo 3 gold, Greece disorder default fears weaken, boosting market sentiment, European stock markets opened higher, at the same time the market is waiting for the central bank interest rate resolution. Market tonight the Greece debt swap deadline to show optimism, European stock markets Thursday after rally, driving gold prices higher. Europe's Pan-European merit 300 on Thursday opened up 0.4%, To 1062.27 points, then they expanded up to 0.5%, other major areas of Europe also rose more than 0.5%. Signs that Greece may be able to ensure that the major debt swap plan. Greece Government officials on Thursday said Greece debt swap programme "going well", investor participation in "very high". Beijing time on Friday (39th) 4:00 is the Greece debt swap plan deadline, if the smooth implementation of the plan, Greece obtained eurozone money, avoid the country's debt a disorderly default. IG Markets strategist Stan Shamu Express, gold trend closer to the risk of current assets, expected in Greece until the debt swap announced the results, the maintenance intervalsConsolidate. At the same time, markets are still waiting for the later days of Ou Ying two interest rates of central banks in its resolution. Markets now expect, decision by the European Central Bank is expected to keep interest rates unchanged at 1%, and United Kingdom bank rates will remain at 0.5% resolution. Beijing 16:07, industrial paper gold $ 343//g, up $ 2.86, or 084%. Others: