Wednesday, March 14, 2012

world of tanks power leveling take a car. Li Bing is long express - YFU

Relevant controller expresses Beijing railroad bureau 30 days, predict spring during carry, beijing railroad bureau will send a passenger to even more 210 million person-time. This year will be Beijing Shanghai after Gao Tiekai opens operation first spring carry. The network buys what ticket and train ticket real name make to execute also will give the railroad this year spring carry brings more test. China " spring carry " all along is regarded as the population with the most large-scale whole world migratory activity. According to preliminary forecast world of tanks power leveling, 2012 spring during carry, china will have 3.158 billion person-time to go there and back at through the vehicle such as railroad, highway urban and rural between. Beijing railroad bureau predicts, this year spring carry comes to stopped on Feburary 16 since January 8, in all 40 the guest will be sent during the day 21.58 million person, add one million four hundred and three thousand one hundred person compared to the same period, grow 7% . Li Bing of deputy director general of Beijing railroad bureau is long say, organization of bill of carry out of bureau of railroad of Chun Yunbei Beijing produced marked change 2012, be like first total number executes ticket of Internet carry out, phone to order ticket, real name to make buy a ticket, passenger of the car on west station of Beijing station, Beijing executes real name to make pull in of ticket of check of test and verify, railroad bureau is making work ticket of check of bill organization, test and verify, lash-up deals with wait for a respect to will face new test. Li Bing is long emphasize, because of this year new year's day, Spring Festival only be apart 3 weeks of time, spring student of carry head week flows as will confluent as laborer shedding, form spring carry passenger flow period of time of the first height; Student shedding, laborer shedding, visit one's family passenger flow interweaves, jackknife, before bringing about the Spring Festival 7 days will be become spring highest peak of carry passenger flow. It is reported, the time with the basiccest bank note of real name check is 8 to 13 seconds, to make sure two stations are solid the name makes the success that ticket of check of test and verify works, beijing railroad bureau will be reasonable mouth of ticket of check of setting test and verify; Install special situation to deal with area, not agree with to ticket card world of tanks power leveling, the special situation such as the ticket that equipment cannot identify undertakes dealing with; Ticket of check of reasonable set test and verify waits time, remind a passenger to had better come 4 hours in before driving 40 minutes less than, him person taking a car that holds ticket to reach the place when buying a ticket to use is effective ticket of check of test and verify of identity document original, pull in, take a car. Li Bing is long express, after Beijing Shanghai tall iron opens operation, will experience first spring carry wot power leveling, although had experienced the passenger flow peak period of heat carry, golden week, change of demand of passenger flow of tall iron of Shanghai of the Beijing in Dan Chunyun is still ambiguous, can arrange in carry, organization of carry out bill, passenger is multiplied fall, service quality and ability lash-up respect will face new test. Occupy analysis of national scene department additionally, spring Chinese south reachs northwest ministry area to appear during carry the possibility of weather of fog of freezing, snow is larger, china north area suffers weather of freezing rain snow extremely easily to affect, the extreme weather that predicts hard also gives safeguard carriage order to bring many difficulty. Responsibility edits: NF075