Thursday, March 8, 2012

tor credits 129742938944375000_300 - DXG

129742938944375000_300The 1th page: frequent deposit insurance see insurance sales misleading 2nd page five chaos: confused demo 3rd page of interest rates and actual receipts: Beware of online insurance policy which is our financial products! Information on insurance products pictures are in the Bank to buy financial products, eventually into the insurance contract; when you buy insuranceWaiting to say better than singing is good, but service quality so couldn't say sth In recent years, the insurance awareness increasing at the same time, all kinds of disputes about insurance continues to increase, as the "3·15" approach tera power leveling, topic once again become the focus of attention of insurance protection. This reporter has learned, mainly focused on sales of insurance and claims two ringsSection, where "life insurance selling misleading" become a matter of complaint is most concentrated. This reporter consulted the relevant experts in the field, reader zhizhao, wake up. Recommended reading for Shanghai Pudong three-car collision three amazing accident deaths ping an life insurance premiums record laughed proud of Beijing-Shanghai Accord "Kiss" Rolls Royce paid 350,000 safe response to "double check" application was refusedOld father Bank pension fraud insurance salesman verbal commitments don't believe in February new single premium rate or better than January a confusing financial products and insurance products: Aunt saved 20,000 Yuan Lee, go to a Bank for deposit, when filling out the business document, dressed in uniforms of banks staff to recommend to its financialProducts, saying the product is a new business for banks, fixed deposit by installments, interest is high, very good. Aunt Lee constant persuasion from the staff to handle the business, during which the staff member does not inform Lee aunt is actually purchased by insurance. Aunt Lee out of the Bank's trust does not refer the matter to heart, until recently ready to buy a House when you need to collect the money to go to the Bank to askKnow is to buy insurance, and now surrender to bear the fees, etc. Zhizhao: for consumers, to avoid sells misleading, you should first understand the formal status of sales and ask them to produce a working document, to recognize their work. Secondly, should be carefully understanding the nature of the product and the terms of contract, do not hurry or infection of passion and salesDepending on the knowledge of the product.   Thirdly, even blindly signed a contract for a moment do not panic, insurance products have a 10-day period of hesitation, consumers can take advantage of this time to study the insurance contract during this period, as long as the insurance contract had raised any dissatisfaction can surrender, insurance company shall refund the premium. Two insurance product risk obscurityEvent: Ms Wang two years ago bought a universal insurance company a-whole life insurance, when Lady Wang was told by insurance agents, the product is "pure savings deposits", there is no risk.   But when you receive on account of the insurance company issuing the detail rift plat, she found that the policy of surplus value is much less than the cumulative premiums. Zhizhao: Ms Wong suffered belong to insurance agents with noClearly inform product characteristics and risks to be insured. It is understood that when buying investment and even insurance and universal life insurance premiums are not paid by all into investment and security accounts, but will deduct an amount of initial costs, this is mainly to cover marketing costs of the insurance companies. In addition to the initial fees, charge account management fees every year by the policy. If early surrender, the applicant needs to takeLarge losses, receives the cash value.   Is important to note, cash value insurance amount after deducting the cost of the resulting number, operating costs, guarantee costs, including insurance companies, such as cost of sales channels tor credits, requested by the China insurance regulatory Commission reserve, rather than the consumers insurance payment of principal. According to "the new insurance law" provides that insurance companies needDisclaimer on the insured makes clear, otherwise the policy is invalid. According to the China insurance regulatory Commission and introduced "the new Insurance Act" supporting the implementation of the life insurance new product information disclosure on management approach, insurance companies sell to individuals, such as investment companies, dividend, universal-investment products, also require the insured to take risks on contracts prompting statements (I have read terms of insurance, productBrochures and insurance tips, understand the features of the product and the uncertainty of the policy interest) after signing.