Thursday, March 8, 2012

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129747570713906250_255Sweep--before someone admits it was cover up the wheel broke out, "sweeping" has quietly become a hot topic in this round. But talking about this topic, their reaction was very different. Guangdong team has made no secret of their heroic guild wars 2 gold, Manager Li Chunjiang bluntly told the media: "do not want to go away in Fujian", meaning that their sites will be 3 knotsBunch of fighting. Guangdong team has the confidence and strength is higher than your opponent warhammer online gold, and coupled with the Fujian foreign aid injured Abbas quezhen, was greatly reduced by strength, 24th meeting for the second time, Guangdong team winning no suspense. However tera power leveling, Shanxi and Beijing team's coach didn't like Li Chunjiang zhishuxiongyi. Talk about "sweep", team manager of Shanxi province Yang Xuezeng verbally with caution:"Shanghai has a wealth of postseason experience, we have for the first time, so never swept Shanghai. "The Beijing team good, coach min lulei would be with the media," Tai Chi ":" sweep? We didn't think about. Playoffs and regular, unlike opponents on the tactical adjustment per game, so we must be prepared to work. "123 «»