Saturday, March 10, 2012

wot power leveling - GGS

129756355759375000_146February 2012 CPI growth rate of approximately 3.4% per cent, fluctuation range: 3.3%.  Carryover effect effects 3.3%, added some 0.1%. After the February CPI smooth per cent mainly due to Chinese new year wot power leveling, early gains a larger vegetable meat prices come down with world of tanks power leveling, so as to bring the whole foods pricesSmall drop.  Non-food prices continue to rise world of tanks power leveling, and to some extent offset the effects of the decline in food prices. Due to seasonal effects, the next quarter, prices continue to drop channel. Prices overall runs between 3%~4% of the year, we expect prices stable on the basis of economy slowly declined, does not occur as long as the economy fell sharply, interest ratesTool use remained cautious reserve tool of monetary policy and open market operations continued to be preferred.  2012 price uncertainty faced two points, a price is straightened out and the time of its launch, second, quantitative easing and again in Europe and changes in international oil prices that imported inflation pressure effects on domestic price situation. Expected futureEC still uses a "discretionary choice", entirely in accordance with changes in the economic situation for the corresponding "adjusting fine". SINA declared: this message is reprinted from Sina media partners, SINA posted this article for the purpose of passing more information, does not mean to endorse their views or confirm the description. Article content is for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice. InvestorsSo, at your own risk.