Friday, March 30, 2012

tera power leveling on March 14 - KIW

129773438608437500_151"Not surprisingly, Guangdong multi-billion dollar pension test water time should be the end of April beginning of May. "A Fund participants of the gold stock in Shenzhen said. On March 19, with the approval of the State Council, social security funds is entrusted by the Guangdong Provincial Government, investment and operation balances the basic old-age insurance for urban workers in Guangdong Province capital of 100 billion yuan commissioned the tentative two-year investment period. Current social security FoundationGold is discretionary investment manager within a total of 16, CITIC gold in venture capital firms and the two brokerages. The Fund said shortly after the lunar new year, management of social security funds as soon as they submit their reports, design products as soon as possible, material Basic now, "everybody guessing is for pensions of Guangdong talent, so prepare very seriously, because it is the first single. "AlthoughSpokesman for the social security fund has repeatedly stressed that the funds are more configurations in fixed-income products, is the "market", not "stake", but a Fund participants of the gold stock disclosed in Beijing, part of these funds will go into the a-share market. Several leading investment managers in reporting products, both linked fixed income and bond, and also for various classes of stock index-linkedInterest products, portfolio design and proportion of assets into two parts. The gold stock from a Fund was informed by Beijing, on March 14, they should require signed a "stock commissioned in the territory of the national social security fund investment Declaration of good faith undertaking" solemnly pledged to declare material is true and accurate; commitment to product manager of interim arrangements does not exist diablo 3 power leveling,Investment management from the team actually completes. Pension when to enter the market? Number of pension fund managers to gold stock, confirmed that they reported to the design of the product is over the simulation calculation of the weights of the end of April, "which means that the first single pension testing time at the end of April beginning of May. "The reporter was informed that on Thursday will hold a seminar on social security funds, when Dai XiangDragon Chairman and attended by leaders of 18 managers, pension or on recent developments in the stock market announced. Huatai securities (9.27,-0.06,-0.64%) research fellow Guo Chunyan said, for a long time, local management of pensions are mainly used to buy Treasury bonds and savings bank, yields are too low, "CPI was 5.6% last year tera power leveling, pension earnings rate is not2% 2010 CPI 3.3%, pension rate is less than 2%. Loss of more than $ 130 billion in two years. "By contrast, wide range of pension fund investments, since its inception, with an average annual rate of return on investments of 9.17%, above the inflation rate. "The average social security over the shares of the Fund assets of 19.22%, according to this calculation, billions in Guangdong ProvinceOld gold into new money up to 19.22 billion, compared to a share worth 18 trillion circulation, is less. "Expo investment researcher Liu Tianzhi believes that pension market message suddenly released tera power leveling, delaying the end of the current round of rally effect. In the long run, can improve the structure of capital market investors, growing size of institutional investors. According to the Chinese Academy of social sciences of the 2011 disclosing the development report of China's old-age pension, until the end of 2011, urban basic old-age pension insurance in all provinces of the country accumulated balances up to 1.92 trillion yuan, but uneven national various provinces in serious condition. The end of 2010, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shandong province 4 of the cumulative surplus of more than 100 billion yuan, 4 provinces for a total $ 598.3 billion, totalCumulative balance of about 38%. Which the total balance of the social security fund of Guangdong provinces in the first place, $ 227.6 billion pension balances. Weekend gold securities (Editor: Wen Jie) Others: