Monday, March 26, 2012

diablo 3 gold Mr LAU received a refund of $ 6 - ECO

129731361954541727_62Shangri-La's tour are seduced buy Tibetan medicine spend 140,000 tracks report from February 4, Jiangsu tourists, this newspaper reported a small LU when travelling with his family at Shangri-La 's, drugs in the multifunctional Puda measures National Park Museum supporting hoodwinked, purchases worth about $ 140,000 medicine's message. At present, relevant departments have not made the matter, yesterday trying to diqing Prefecture Tourism BureauQuality supervision and management of the contact, but the phone has always been unreachable. On February 4, the small LU called events ask for diqing Prefecture Tourism Bureau of quality supervision and management review, a man answered the phone, he asked through, said people come to understand the situation of the multi-purpose Pavilion diablo 3 gold, give you a reply the next day at the latest. That afternoon, again by the quality supervision for small LuMaking two calls, first, because medicine has played into a powder, so the loss of business to make themselves 20% Lu, Xiao Lu did not agree.����Then the other side is once again calling, said businessmen agreed to return, but let him not in the media continue to reflect on this matter. Zhihou, little Lu received the telephone from the multifunctional Puda measures National Park Museum,Claiming to be a mall executive managers, some vague, mean give him half the money back, let him send medicine, and then back the other half. Each other also said, "if I were to go through diqing tourism quality by the Agency, business is business, and then send the thing to a quality, then they will appeal, the manager told me by individuals, not sure IGet the money.����"Little Lu told reporters. Subsequently, little Lu to diqing Prefecture Tourism Bureau of quality supervision and management, the other attitude changes, said there have been many reports on this matter on the Internet, leadership knows about it, answering the phone told Xiao Lu, he was "struck by deleting". In response, Xiao Lu said: "business is business. "Exposure of the usersLast month in the same location with the same dispute yesterday resolved Similarly, coalition against pig forums one user of Mr LAU (pseudonym) also posted that, just had a similar experience myself. This user comes from, CHENZHOU, Hunan province, on January 28, he and his wife came to Puda measures National Park, in the Multipurpose Hall encountered a man that claims to be a pharmaceutical company in Jiangxi province, the other sideLooks very professional, and bargain with them.����Finally, this user has bought 100 gram price $ 6,000 of Dendrobium, saffron 5 gram-denominated $ 450, a total of $ 6,450, also leave the staff on the invoice. Mr Liu after use their mobile phones to check if the back of the car, only to find Dendrobium Shangri-La's local does not, and the online price is around $ 6 per gram, onIs he prepared emergency returns Puda measures National Park multifunctional Museum, but is is Guard stopped does not let into, because into Park Shi per person made has a Zhang rides card, buy finished drug out has Puda measures National Park multifunctional Museum this Zhang card on handed has, now no card does not let into, and then guide there and call came, immediately to left has, to immediately returned to car Shang, so had to gave up. Come back onlineLook, found that a lot of people have the same fraud experience. Know the users experience of Xiao Lu in Jiangsu Province, Mr LAU will be your experience on the Forum, following which the two moderators of the Alliance against pig Yin Chengbo Liu to confirm the contact and Li Zeqing, and diqing Prefecture Tourism Bureau of quality supervision and management of the telephone to Mr. Liu. Mr LAU had contact with each other.Phone personnel said that as long as Mr LAU hides him in a forum post, just give the money back to him. Finally, after Mr LAU and the moderators of the Forum to discuss, will hide posts before. About 1 o'clock at noon yesterday, Mr LAU received a refund of $ 6,000. Others: