Sunday, April 8, 2012

tera power leveling with sea-33 in the town of engineering "floor floor - JEI

129774133217968750_315On March 24, 2012, Benning Bay "property King" shocking opening, 1-hour selling 150 million, including "property King"-a, 2nd floor, all houses, sold out. Benning Bay opening pageantry continued to burn for the first time in early March 2012, 2012 in Tianjin property sales to new heights! The "property King" opening selling not only prove"Good house without fear or favour market winter", and Benning Bay is certified in this past year: 2011 Benning Bay "six in the city of Tianjin district champions property sales" Leonard is not sung. So, why is it that when using various means of dumping have to most complex trading volume in the single digits when careful throughout plans in 2012, Benning Bay opened the so popular? OnWe interviewed buyers and sales personnel on the scene. Mr LEUNG has selected a set of 88 square meters apartment, one of this type is a classic main Gulf of Benning, when we asked him why the Benning when Wan, Mr LEUNG's answer is very strong, "now is the best time to buy Benning Bay. "Mr Leung said that he plans to buy a House from a year ago, began to do all kinds of transferChecking and comparison, including the lot, House tera gold, facilities, properties tera power leveling, and so on. After this one-year run, have basically selected rooms have a depth of knowledge and experience. And he was finally selected Benning Bay, first, because of the good quality of the project itself, Benning Bay almost had an ideal condition of most of the buyers: Central, Park, River, scenery, Metro, business, apartment,The property, taken together do not select reason for. Especially the Benning house design in the Gulf of, whether it be for rigid requirements of 88 square meters of two rooms and two rooms, is 140 square meters of three rooms and two rooms for improvement, can realize the ideal type of lighting, ventilation, separation of static and dynamic design requirements. Second, because regulation is basically the header and comply with the national policy tera power leveling, along with the attractiveHui conditions, plus Bank of loan began loose, brings together into has this a golden not missed of copy end opportunities; course, most important of is, Benning Bay a period collection building seat launched of products Basic are is quasi existing home, October will will cross room, this also means with beam Mr this year on can decoration stay, plus Metro Line 3 line also will Yu this year October all official operations, seamless convergence of lightPine is convenient, extending in all directions at your fingertips, Mr LEUNG so that young people can definitely be taken. We also interviewed a number of buyers, find their reasons for buying and Mr Leung basically is the same. One of Chen in the selected room before taking to Benning Bay landscape demonstration area of recent external drive go go, she said Benning BayPark facilities belonging to the first-class, comparable to and close proximity of the Benning Park. Through interviews with heads of the opening day activities we learned that Benning Bay developers in China real estate industry known as "engineering in the sea" in the world, with sea-33 in the town of engineering "floor floor, boutique, boutique" deep skills; sea real estate at home in 8 consecutive years won the "China roomReal estate industry leading brands "the first; first comprehensive strength for five consecutive years; in mainland China for 8 consecutive years in comprehensive strength TOP10 first listed real estate companies in Hong Kong. Benning, another investor in the Gulf of the wharf, is a renowned business tycoon of Asia, its development and operation of Hong Kong Harbour City is not only the business model, but many people will travel to Hong Kong to buyResort. As a result, in the sea guarantees the quality and comfort of a House, wharf fully-guaranteed Benning Bay commercial and downtown, is indeed "brand DS".����Gather comprehensive advantages, coincided with the time, finally creating a Benning stands selling event in the Gulf today. When we are about to leave when Benning Bay Sales Centre, Benning owners were still in the Gulf ofSalesmen seriously ask what. Line is a Subway Line 3 import and export from the community is 20 metres of the entrance is 50 meters? Or Benning 80,000 square meters of commercial facilities in the Gulf in addition to supermarkets, cinemas, which format? 16 layers can see the Benning Park? 40,000 square meters of the French Versailles gardens central gardens-do? We do not know�� But the data behind the warmth and happiness have a name and ideals on home-hidden-Benning Bay. Others: