Monday, April 9, 2012

tera power leveling credit card is not equivalent toCard - VVQ

129773822152812500_186For many workers, use of credit cards has become a habit, when credit card abuse, it's about "minefield", industry alerts, stay really patient when using credit cards. Overdrafts snowball white card and slave Laura (pseudonym), was cashier of a business, a monthly salary of 3,000, have a happy family, but since threeBanks offered her years ago after running a credit card, safely so one day Laura was broken. "With a credit card, card, special comfort in that.  "She said, as a number of card number, timely repayment, no bank two months she mentioned credit line of $ 6,000, 8,000, now able to overdraft $ 20 tera gold,000. Watching a line of creditRising high, Laura card has also been increasingly uncontrollable. "Few years aside savings to credit cards. "Now she is unable to repay the overdraft limit. In order to smooth repayment, she can bid again in another bank for a credit card. Now she can only use two of the cards turn upside down, using the statement date and the interest-free period, cash withdrawal with credit cards repayment of overdraft limit."Life really hard due to the money. "Laura said, although the card is his brush, but she sees beyond her ability to repay credit line is the culprit. She said: "my self-control has been poor, but the Bank increase credit lines should be more careful when? "Having nothing to save lives in Valley pan into the credit card, told a press conference, becauseWorried about credit card overdrafts without timely repayment penalty interest by banks before her salary each month to the credit card, save some money, shopping is a swipe card reader, sometimes also will get some money out in cash. "Then I found wrong once, took the 500 dollars, spent 10 dollars cash withdrawal fee. "Pan customer service phone call to know, credit card is not equivalent toCard, as long as cash withdrawal charge fees. Reporter learned that, deposit the amount in credit card, commonly known as "relief contributions", remove the "relief contributions" most banks will charge fees, banks charging standards, minimum standards for $ 1-$ 30 range, highest CAP charges range from $ 50-$ 500, part of the Bank even without a maximum Cap. People in the industrySaid, take the "relief contributions" is equivalent to the credit card overdrawn cash withdrawal. Credit card PIN close to distinguish small ancestral currently hold 3 credit cards, "credit card, sometimes it's not good, repayment has become troublesome. "Xiaozu told reporters that his usual simply won't be so many credit cards, some credit cards is entirely in order to help a friend complete the task, in fact it's not. The past few days, xiaozu is considering cancellation of two credit cards. Reporter learned that, in the process of cancellation credit card, should also pay attention to some details, PIN cards also note that close. Because if you fail to complete the close procedure, some banks will charge the account management fee. In addition, if the next time you apply for the credit card, without close cannot enjoy the treatment of new customers.It is understood that under normal circumstances, when banks receive customers close, not handled immediately, needs to have a certain amount of time, in this period, whether the Bank will verify the credit card arrears, require a certain amount of time to confirm, in about 45 days.  Processing after the close, the best after a month apart, call customer service again to confirm. Credit card interest-free in phases does not mean that noInterest yesterday, members of the public received a bank customer service call, asked recently do not need to select a large consumption needs in instalments, you can enjoy the zero interest rate.  Was wondering, interest-free instalment is really of no interest? To that end, journalists call the xingke serving was informed that are interest-free tera gold, but credit card need to pay fees in stages, 12 issuesRepayments tera power leveling, equivalent to 0.67% interest rates.  Accounts, credit card $ 93800 car, in a 0.67% interest rates, interest about a year more than 7,000 yuan. Reminds of the Division of financial management, staging most of the banks are not strictly interest free credit card bills. Credit card installment mainly applies to one-time can't afford to pay large cash in the short term, but want to enjoy early eliminationPopulation, therefore does not have a stable income for cardholders to use. Others: