Thursday, April 19, 2012

tera gold Li Wei - IBU

129785411028281250_125Administration of not naming issues program on banning Internet Celebrity TV Deputy Secretary for administration of Li Wei, Southern Metropolis daily reported on April 10 "stars TV innovation excellence Forum 2012" the day before yesterday was held in Wuhan, Hubei province. Administration of Li Wei, Deputy Director at the Forum were informed on the further strengthening of the comprehensive channel program star on television released 3 months after the implementation of the management of the situation, said around the TV for the opinions have made positiveIn response, now 34 satellite integrated channels, total news programs have reached 193, 33% more than last year and needs to focus on regulation of marriage dating, emotional stories, games, sports, entertainment, interviews, talk shows and other "high similarity, with the definition of" programming from 126, reduced to 38. Deputy Secretary for Administration Mr Li said the aesthetic GuideUp, to prevent excessive entertainment tendency of chemicals, low rebound, did not name a part of the program. Four shiny ugly: a survey of Li Wei rampant Internet celebrity screen: Internet celebrity, scandal of bad people is not allowed on TV, guest on Forum, Li Wei, Deputy Director reiterated the SARFT, the views of the so-called "limited entertainment", not to restrict public entertainment tera gold, but links to "excessive entertainment"," Vulgar "and" star channel height on homogeneity ". He also points out that excessive entertainment is not just the entertainment programme, financial, interviews, classes, news programs, excessive entertainment just as likely. "Such as the recent spy plane more tera power leveling, section please back old underground revolutionary history, but moderator concern is not how (click to see how television worksWorld of beauty) dedication to the cause of the revolution, a fake couple interested in details of life, how to eat and live, how to sleep. "Mr Li also stressed that the post does not allow Internet celebrity, a TV show guest comments on the scandal of bad character," now there have been invited on a network is a controversial figure, shiny ugly character to television media, and is a prime time program.We want to correct reverse issue, one mistake does not make the committed. "Worshiping the status quo spoof at work-show spoof eye Li Wei Bo: career services programs turned against each other, squeeze for some TV shows appear in the" thanks to Fu, worshiping, worshipping your "bad value, Mr Li also commented," for example, some TV stations on the 2011 United Kingdom Prince (clickWatch Prince film and video of the seminal dance 2) wedding, commentary is full of envy; there is also a program report ' explore the 2011 gold adult dance ', this emotion of envy tera gold, and sought after reports were not appropriate. "Furthermore, Mr Li also does not name the problem program," recently had a career services program, requires players to eat egg cocoon, wool, waterDisgusting food such as cockroaches, the test of his career fit, and some take a dig at rival one another way to combat workplace competition for sth By mashups get attention and ratings. "The future: strengthen ratings survey guidance and regulation of Mr Li said the Administration will do more work in promoting the program innovation. In addition to "Star Awards" and other incentives to promoteNew creation, also for ratings guide will be strengthened in the future. "Post about are not allowed to use the ratings to the first elimination, are not allowed to use ratings as a measure, now administration is studying how to reform ratings survey question, to strengthening the administration of guidance and control capabilities to the ratings survey, through technical means to expand the number of sample households, improve the representativeness of the sample. ��Links with China TV drama "feitianjiang" China film "huabiao Awards" and said three Government awards "Star Awards" the night of 8th in Wuhan Qintai Grand Theater presentation. 22nd "Starlight Award" in the award-winning total of 61 works, covering the arts, dance, music, animation, documentary, science, public service announcements, and other 11 categories, including, the 2011 CCTV Spring Festival Gala8 programmes, such as the party won the Special Prize, long live the motherland---to celebrate the 60 anniversary of the founding of new China Party 9 programs, such as access to television variety show award; dance competition of the fifth c c t v-4 programmes such as children's dance troupe-get the TV dance show award; the charm of China---3 programs such as access to the Expo song zuying concert TVProgramme Award. CCTV from different "identity" involved in programme production, and become the big winner of the night, holding nearly 30 awards. Others: