Thursday, April 12, 2012

tera power leveling in the case of existing deposit and full - TID

129779318757500000_13According to the land and resources Bureau announced a few days ago in Beijing tera power leveling, Beijing plans to sell a total of 5,700 hectares of land in 2012, last year fell by 12.3%; of these, 1700 hectares of residential land, a 33.3% per cent reduction; reduced to 850 hectares of land for affordable housing, residential 50% percentage tera power leveling, up by 36%. In general terms,Beijing land supply plan 3 features more prominent in 2012: is a residential land supply to reduce apparent; the second is the marked decline in supply of affordable land, land supply for public housing reduced by about half is a large plot of land in the suburbs than in the third. Chain real estate analysts believe that 2012 Beijing land readjustment of the supply structure, overall residential land to be reducedAnd on that basis increases the proportion of affordable housing for, overall is conducive to market development. First, macro-control tightening trend will not change in the short term, in the case of existing deposit and full, 2012 of Beijing land market of actual demand is likely to be up the trend of reduction, reduced supply of land for residential use, comply with the actual market in 2012Condition. Second, the absolute amount of affordable residential land decrease, but basically had no change tera gold, ultimately for land adjustment market structure continues to play a positive role. According to statistics, June, 2010 affordable housing land supply planning has been completed in Beijing, to meet future demand starts from 2 years to 3 years. Others: