Friday, April 6, 2012

tera gold especially in Greece after the bailout agreement to be finalised. - JEW

129770761430312500_80 <a href="">tera gold</a>Meeting the mesh, March 24--United States, Atlanta Fed President Lockhart (DennisLockhart) on Friday (March 23), and United States economic growth strength is enhanced tera gold, while the downside risks still exist. Fed monetary policy must be examined before performance of the economy. Lockhart was at Georgetown UniversityHealth is making such a speech. He pointed out that the current United States Economic Outlook cautiously optimistic attitude is appropriate. Public on United States economic confidence increased, but economic activity still active in some areas. He said it is important should not prematurely or without careful consideration of the Federal Reserve to tighten monetary policy and, in addition tera power leveling, it does not rule out more stimulusThe possibility of. Of course, all monetary policy must be based on research on development of the economy as a whole. Lockhart said, "my view is that the Fed should keep inactivity policy. "When referring to the situation in Europe's debt crisis, Lockhart pointed out that, in recent weeks, risks have receded from Europe, especially in Greece after the bailout agreement to be finalised. Others: