Thursday, April 5, 2012

tera gold in accordance with the experience of years of investigation - ILB

129771809986187310_7Border guards seized part of the smuggled beef. CNS, Kunming, March 25 (reporters Zhao Shuyong and Zhang Jinhui and Chen Chaojun)-25th reporters from the Qingshui River in Yunnan frontier was informed that the station early this morning and seized more than 20 tons, more than 500 tera gold,000 yuan worth of smuggled frozen beef tera power leveling, 3 people involved were arrested. Qingshui River border checkpoints located in the China-Burma border. The morning of 25th, the stationFlow of narcotics investigation unit in qingshuihe implemented between Meng Ding Road service at night. At 1 o'clock in the morning, 3 big trucks driving into the investigation units within sight. Arresting officer approached a routine investigation, truck drivers said the car was destined for pumpkin Meng Ding. This statement caused a suspect of the investigation unit: in accordance with the experience of years of investigation, there is no driver in the morning-transit pumpkin. Arresting officers foundThese cars must be "problematic". So talk with 3 truck drivers, but the 3 people on a variety of issues veiled tera power leveling, paradoxically, that just confirms the arresting officer's judgment. Drive check, 3 trucks seized more than 20 tons of frozen beef, involving more than 500,000 dollars. Upon enquiry, the 3 people entry without inspection to the inspection and quarantine departments, and also failed to provide quarantineInspection Department to issue the relevant certificates, in accordance with the People's Republic of China exit animal and plant quarantine law the relevant provisions, not immigration. Currently, 3 have been local police detained, and the case has been transferred to the relevant departments for further processing. (End) Others: