Monday, April 9, 2012

tera gold Urban housing situation better. Enforcing is not admitted that since the beginning of 2010

129774133127500000_89"Now widen the scope of real estate tax has not been decided.  Has not been determined which is the new city property tax ".  Pilot on individual housing property tax expanded Wai, Vice-Minister of Ministry of housing of the 25th held in Guangzhou Lingnan said at the Forum, relevant ministries are summarized existing pilot experiments, then will identify more cities, expand the scope. For wideStates, Shenzhen pilot participants real estate tax extension rumors, by enforcing the same day that "now widen the scope of real estate tax has not been decided.  Has not been determined which is the new city property tax ". Caixin 25th claims citing Qi JI, Shanghai and Chongqing have levied property taxes last year pilot, both this collection of objects, taxes and are not the same. Now, these twoPilot has made some good experience. "We are working with the Ministry of finance and State administration of taxation sum up these experiences, we consider the perfection is now in the pilot, we will extend the pilot cities.  "Qi JI said.  Visible are, extend the scope of individual housing property tax trial, has is like an arrow on the bowstring. Caixin day quoted the Finance Ministry by the Finance DivisionLong Jia Kang, said policymakers on property taxes form a basic consensus, is a necessary condition for the second pilot. Current official information has gradually clear, steady progress in the pilot project of the estate tax.  In his view, the real estate tax and taxes are not for tax purposes, but to play the market leverage, and the over-reliance of land financial solve part. Previous March 22Today, hung out a press release saying the Government network, recently approved and transmitted to the development and Reform Commission of the State Council of the views of the focus on the 2012 reform of the economic system tera power leveling, the "opinions" made in 2012, "timely expansion of property tax in scope". Pilot expanding peri-urban speculation on property taxes was emerging tera power leveling, with the cities of Shenzhen and Guangzhou, is expected to spread by meansList of Wai.  In fact, in today's Forum, is the housing problem by enforcing more talking. Introduction to Qi JI, since 2011, real estate development and investment in urban fixed-ratio stays at around 20%, increase the value of real estate industry share of the GDP has been 4% above. Qi ji believes that compared with the countries of the world on the same level of development,Urban housing situation better. Enforcing is not admitted that since the beginning of 2010, real estate prices are too high in some areas, investment demand trend of overheating, but he stressed that, in the last year, area of the proportion of families purchasing second homes than the sharp decline in 2010. Since the beginning of 2012, the national housing prices overall stable, prices in the first-tier cities openStarted loosing, regulation is moving in a target continued to deepen, and achieve tangible results. Qi ji believes that changes in the current real estate market, in line with the self-development law of the market, "we will continue to implement the national deployment of, and never waver in upholding the regulatory policy direction tera gold, insist on control measures do not relax, promoting the return of affordable. "For" affordable housing "depends on reducing prices is to increase collectionIn, Qi JI said, "prices are necessary in some places, there may be local income all the more necessary.  "A day earlier, in a meeting, Director of the Center for housing policy studies Hong Chin judgement, this year prices appear retaliatory rise of subjective and objective conditions are not fulfilled. Hong Chin explained that, seen from the subjective conditions, Central and local Government to control pricesProposed strict requirements.  On the objective condition of it: so far the housing market is still digesting the inventory stage, enterprises cannot increase sales now; this year's housing market will be dominated by common commercial housing consumption, average price of commercial housing prices as a whole will not be too much of an impact. SINA music stations official Forum: Others: