Saturday, June 9, 2012

disturbed. After his loan contract requested by the salesman called Diablo 3 power leveling distur

129823520564843750_77Steel boss complaints clerk forged the loan at Standard Chartered Bank on trade confirmations According to the labor newspaper reported, "clerk in making loans on a sealed white confirmation, feel free to raise interest rates, Standard Chartered Bank loans into a trap! "Recently, this reporter received a complaint from a Mr steel trade enterprise bosses, he said that by 2009, he chartered $ 520,000 yuan of bank loans, but its 3 Zhang Gaiyin, the Bank signed on white paper" forging "a loanRecognition and higher interest rates than previously agreed between the two sides. Mr Cheung had been requested by the Standard Chartered Bank confirmed the original loan contracts and loans, but the Bank has not provided. Provides Standard Chartered Bank on April 24 a Zhuang surname Customer Manager sound recording, recording, according to village Manager 2009 Standard Chartered Credit salesman does have similar illegal actions of loans, Standard Chartered BankThe default, Standard Chartered Bank has been no compensation. For complaints, media communications manager at Standard Chartered Bank said banking sector has to find related material on the original, it was said, after seeing the material, this "fuzzy memories", at a press conference, expressed the hope that when you see the original, to protect customer privacy as Miss Jiang by the denial of original material, at the same time she questionedAuthenticity of the recording. Who is is not, both diverging Standard Chartered Bank credit has become difficult to unravel the mystery. Chang anger: Standard Chartered Bank "trust" loan on May 16, 2012, journalist Mr haihanzhang trading company Manager on the receiving complaints, he said that Standard Chartered Bank credit since 2008 has been received sales call, asking it toNot capital turnover. In July 2009, he received the Standard Chartered Bank a Chen salesman phone, comes as the company needs a liquidity at this time, the end of July he applied to the Standard Chartered Bank RMB 800 Diablo 3 power leveling,000 unsecured small loan, after the Bank to conduct a financial audit of the company, Chen in charge of loan salesman said a loan of $ 520,000, the two sides agreed monthly interest rateMore than 1.5%. On July 30, after both sides reach agreement on loan, and salesman to the Standard Chartered Bank for the application. "Letter of Bank gave me a tell, little more than a monthly interest rate of 1.5% above and give me 3 piece white, says banks need to process, you need to seal and signature. I believe banks when they didn't think much, sign the stamped on white paper. ��Mr CHEUNG told reporters that he had made to the Clerk to sign the loan contract, the other loan contracts will be signed in the next few days, let the first signature. "On August 26, the Bank will loan into my account. I felt really strange, how will banks so readily? "Achievements and problems after seeing the loan, a loan can act as a company's liquidity, Bank of worry is not checkedContract loans, disturbed. After his loan contract requested by the salesman called, but sales have been up, the two sides have not signed the loan contract. September 25, 2009, he received a copy of Standard Chartered Bank's loan confirmation, after seeing the loan confirmation, he was surprised. "Confirmation contract monthly interest rate as 1.67%, higher than both sides aboutFixed interest rates, copy of my signature and company chop, inscribe the date August 18, 2009. On July 30, after the meet at the Standard Chartered Bank and the salesman, I never met her. On August 18, I didn't check the confirmation. "Zhang received a copy immediately after contact salesman, before the other side said conventions is a range of interest rates, interest rate to make sure thatSingle subject, asked for confirmation and the original loan contract, but the salesman had not been able to provide. To do so, he repeated to the Standard Chartered Bank customer service line, and sent a letter asking it to banks, but the banks did not respond. Employee record said Standard Chartered illegal operation loans provided to reporters on April 24, and the Standard Chartered Bank Account ManagerMiss Zhuang recording, recorded in the village Manager said: in 2009, there are plenty of Standard Chartered Bank clerk under pressure, in similar conditions on the loan formalities. To this end, Standard Chartered Bank to customer complaints each year, many customer complaints salesmen make customers sign on white paper, without the customer's knowledge of the situation on purpose to raise interest rates. According to village Manager, Standard Chartered Bank on this matter are knownLove, but because of the customer are checked over and cover over, legally speaking, banks are not afraid of customer lawsuits, she said that the Bank cannot have any compensation to customer, because in the banking system, customers have been lending money on interest rate cannot be changed. Village Manager also said that banks in much-needed money before the company is very strong, customer urgent need of money, as long as the estimated benefitsRun higher than the loan interest, we would gladly agree to higher bank interest rates. Loan accounts, after a customer found issues, bank loans have been released, customer payments, banks are not salesmen there are remedies to violations. On May 17, the journalists on the complaints against illegal operations at Standard Chartered Standard Chartered Bank credit to Media Manager (she refused to disclose in the paper last nameName) consulting, she told a press conference, in 2009 to a bank loan of $ 520,000 is true, Standard Chartered Bank's microfinance operations do not need to sign the loan contract, loan confirmations have statutory effect. On May 22, she went to the newspaper, issued by Standard Chartered Bank, told reporters the survey response. For content in the recording, she said there is no such thing, she said that there are twoPossible, one customer said no real content Diablo 3 CD-KEY, the second is the recording itself is not true. On May 23, Manager of the Standard Chartered Hong Kong media reporters calling, May 22 banks and in the interview process, Mr Zhang made loans month interest rates to be reduced to 1.3%. Reporters then to verify, he said that this is the case, banksOfficers asked the first salesman tells him of how much is the interest rate, he said 1.3%, Bank staff said they were moving towards this effort, asked its did not agree. Mr Zhang said even now loan the interest rate is 0 TERA Gold, he will not find the Bank to any compensation, but bank clerk to sign the white "forged" confirmation thing, he must be held accountable. In addition, Zhang XianHealth and stressed that when he saw the original confirmation, did not say "fuzzy memories", he has stressed from the beginning to the end, had not seen the confirmation letter. Standard Chartered Bank reply: did not find the credit there are breaches of the Standard Chartered Bank said in reply, Standard Chartered Bank break in Shanghai trading company apply for unsecured small loan for SMEs in the whole process in strict accordance withInternal processes provide operations, not found involved in the irregularities. Mentioned in the main reply, Mr Zhang as a chapter break business shareholder's authorized representative in the application form for Standard Chartered Bank unsecured small loan for SMEs "borrowing Enterprise Declaration" signed and stamped with the company seal. Standard Chartered Bank made loans application form Home "loans" section is clear,Clearly set out in the Standard Chartered Bank SME type of unsecured loan, loan term and the interest rate of the loans month minimum interval. This is personally signed and sealed by the Standard Chartered Bank SME unsecured small loan application form indicating the, month of the loan interest rate is 1.59% per cent, and end up with months of loan interest ratesFor 1.67%, just within the interval. For confirmation of bank loans made "false" statement, Standard Chartered Bank said it caused by haihanzhang trading company of the Standard Chartered Bank on small and medium enterprises microfinance loans unsecured on your original confirmation, clearly showing the above principal amount, duration of loan, monthly interest rate and monthly payment amounts, and other key information for all loans�� Loans on the confirmation "the company agreed to accept the confirmation" has personally signed and stamped with the company seal, and all are in the format of the signature text in the signature bar. Standard Chartered Bank stressed that bank to haihanzhang trading company of the Standard Chartered Bank on small and medium enterprises microfinance loans unsecured confirmation issued on August 18, 2009, silverOn August 26, 2009 lending. Signed loan confirmation time and lending time to comply with the requirements process. Banks in accordance with business processes, mailed to the customers repayment schedules and related documents such as bank statements, does not receive any non-delivery during fall. Mr Cheung said, "had signed the blank paper", a Standard Chartered said this practice is prohibited by�� Standard Chartered Bank said, after an internal investigation, said by Mr CHEUNG does not exist in the blank signature on the paper. Lawyers advice: If the complaint is substantiated, Standard Chartered has corrected this reporter consulted Wu Dong Shanghai law firm lawyers, he told reporters that if the complaint is substantiated, discovered in 2009 before the loan interest rate is higher than the agreed, bank clerkIllegal operation loan process, he shall immediately report to the Banking Council, people's courts can also request revocation of contract. Standard Chartered Bank such as a lack of supervision in the loan process, resulting in customer interests, should be corrected in a timely manner. 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