Friday, June 15, 2012

06-08 TERA Power Leveling 06-08 - BKJW

129836519528281250_140Master Rotary information this Pui Tak, landing both gem break NetEase finance, June 8-master, Mr John battle (300,322), spin (300,324) was today listed on the gem. Master's Pui Tak opening $ 14.3, swing, swing very low information near 2%, two are observed the following line after the opening, as of 9:39 TERA Power Leveling, Shuo Pui Tak reported $ 13.86, by 3.08%, Rotary information reported $ 26, under theFall 3.7%. Both break. Master, Mr John battle (300,322) the listed 23.345 million shares, issuing price is $ 14.3/unit, corresponding to 37.63 times times forward earnings. Company main business terminal antenna for wireless communication of research and development, production and sales. Rotary information (300,324), this time listing 14 million shares, the issue price of 27 dollars/share, For 36.99 times times forward earnings. 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resigned due to physical reasons (06-08) [scroll] Expert analysis that the price reduction was too small (06-08) [scroll] oil prices second cut boot floor people could enjoy the benefits (06-08) [scroll] monitor display: since the beginning of June, pork prices rose in the northeast (06-08) [scroll] in JunePork prices rose in the Northeast since the beginning (06-08) [scroll] Central Bank rate cut Bank scroll fell to 6.28 times times forward earnings (06-08) [scroll] Federal Pharmacy sewage local government issued a denial of alleged breaches (06-08) [scroll] Korea import and export BankUrges North Korea to repay loans for food (06-08) of gasoline and diesel respectively, down $ 0.39 per litre and $ 0.44 | Stock market effects | Successive adjustment | Lin Bo Qiang | topic around this fall in high oil product prices modification | Oil prices or will continue down | Driving sales limited green city Wharf2nd largest shareholder | Will sell 10 billion project | Hongwei ZHANG: to live the most important | Special counties in the private tomb of Super Deluxe [financial] auto group in Jiangsu Province broke down continued: oil product Super chlorine content United States 6 Rift Platinum,000 times [financial] Green City continue to "sell one's soul self" shares the wharf to raise $ 5 billion Hong Kong dollars [financial] Canon Zhuhai requirementsStaff long vacation Foxconn denies Chengdu riots [financial] silver insurance business in China Construction Bank fell regardless of performance not to be punished [shares] the two outflows of 8 billion shares being the banks to buy points to [stock] SFC: restructuring share insider involved shall suspend the restructuring of listed companies [commercial] learn from Liu brand-building the world youngPeople the highest unemployment rate country [commercial] 8 questions that must be asked before the venture venture capital is like a pair of power-law distribution of [financial] Central Bank rate cut millions of mortgages issued 20 36,000 fewer bonds cancel [financial] rich dating $ 40,000 spare cash to finance activities of interest exposure pictures documentary: revealing the secrets of Foxconn SWTOR CD-key, as United States Federal Reserve System Others: