Monday, June 11, 2012

bankruptcy Rift CD-key bankruptcy - VOGX

129823520777343750_528Last year house price growth in China only drop 0.6% sales quota for this year is expected to be relaxed NetEase finance 23rd release today by the Chinese Academy of social sciences in Chinese real estate 2011-2012 real estate blue book, blue book noted that in 2011, growth in China's commercial housing trading fall, but regional differences clear, restriction of turnover in the eastern part of the city more 2010 and almost flat, and slowing growth in trading volume in the Central and Western regions. TotalHouse price growth in 2010, roughly, 5,377 Yuan/sq m, slowed down 2010. For property tax and restriction of issues of concern Diablo 3 power leveling, blue book predicts that property taxes cities may increase this year, but overall market-oriented real estate tax is difficult to adopt. Restriction of specific measures in some cities might have changed, First defined suite or relax. Blue book as well as expected, prices will fall this year in China, but the overall decline will not be great. Most of the developers will still choose to wait-and-see stance. Blue book noted that the rapid development of the construction of affordable housing in our country. 2011 affordable housing construction reached an unprecedented high. Starts in more than 10 million sets, and provinces have established publicTotal leasing policy rules. Affordable housing starts than ever before. At the end of October 2011, started construction of 10.33 million affordable housing units throughout the country, surpassed 10 million target established by the beginning. Blue book also points out that real estate development there are many problems in our country. For example, price regulation goals with social expectations of local government there is a big gap. In addition toOutside of Beijing, target is growing. Regulation on owner-occupied housing there is a backlog of demand effects. Affordable housing finance and management mechanism is not perfect. Financial support for the construction of affordable housing has not yet formed a complete set of policy system. Direct cause, due to poor financing channels for the construction of affordable housing, particularly affordable housing rental, such as social housing and affordable housing, fundingPut into large, less profit and a long recovery period, no profit or even negative profit. Policy is expected this year, blue book believe that 2012 real estate policy in China will continue to consolidate the existing regulation, regulation and policies will continue to optimize and improve, but increasing regulation more difficult. Inhibition of speculative demand will remain the central task of this year's housing policy;Will gradually increase needs support, control measures will be further differentiated, precise. And 2012 does not rule out a new market-oriented model of Shanghai or high-end commercial-oriented model in other cities of Chongqing policy promotion. But taking into account the far-reaching real estate tax, the information technology requirements are higher, for the overall stock market and transition to hold real estateIn 2012 as object to tax property tax is difficult to introduce and promote. On restriction policies, specific restriction of measures expected in 2012 in some cities may change Rift CD-key, such as on the first set of houses define relaxing wow cd-key, restriction of release on second homes, and for non-registered population resident population restriction of relax, restriction of means may also be shifted from hard and fast transaction limit of credit limit. BluePi Shu predictions 2012 real estate profits may deteriorate sharply, SMEs make bankruptcy more likely to proliferate. Higher financing costs, earnings less space, small and medium enterprises has been hit big. This regulation will lead directly to increased industry mergers and acquisitions, industry concentration further. Overall declining profitability, high land acquisition costs, financing in the early part ofThis large, commercial housing backlog of more enterprises faced losses and debts, bankruptcy, forcing the pressure to surge, industry-wide increase in bankruptcy, forcing, and will also provide opportunities for mergers and acquisitions of large enterprise groups and consortia, and mergers and acquisitions can lead to market changes, market patterns will be further enhanced. Others: