Friday, February 19, 2010

the large-scale transport projects

China already has the self-manufacture of large transport aircraft conditions and capabilities, the development of large military transport aircraft is already naturally come to fruition trend. It is based on the above the successful cooperation and technical reserves, according to foreign reports, Anton Rueful Design Bureau of Ukraine participated in the large-scale transport projects of world of warcraft power leveling. The new machine is based on the Antonio a 70 design, but with an -70 propeller fan used in a different engine.

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 From up on the development of such a large military transport aircraft, it seems that our military focus on resolving the yes or runescape power leveling. Thus, my now are able to produce such a large military transport aircraft, surely it is smaller than the same time, create a modified machine or re-design of medium-sized transport aircraft (100 ~ 150 tons), using such models to converted into our country strategic early-warning aircraft and air refueling and other special models will no doubt be more reasonable. The use of "beam" radar tactical early warning aircraft, the future we will consider the basis for up ARJ21 aircraft modification.