Monday, January 4, 2010

support for private investment

Deepen the reform, support for private investment. That is China from the 2008 Years after the fall and winter with these macro-policies, 2008 Year 12 On an urgent delivery of the 8000100 million loans (2008.1--2008.11 Total Running 4.11 trillion), the first half of this year, new loans of about7.41 trillion. Always double-check the items in the trade window before you accept a trade to avoid being tricked. Some players may try to trick you into attacking them. A common practice is to run into your attacks while you're fighting monsters. The purpose is to make you turn rogue so that they can kill you without losing runescape power leveling. Always pay attention to the people around you, and always expect the worst.

Here to engage in the national side, including investment in infrastructure, 41 trillion, and the delivery to the enterprise of production, Liquidity. Such a big country, such a macro scale of loans, investments continue, first, Cannot be recovered immediately or in advance, nor can the termination of follow-up to production aion power leveling, otherwise, some large projects, the immediate suspension of work, dismount and become 21 Century, new unfinished projects. Second, if an immediate recovery, is not only a breach of credit act But will also put out of business enterprises, bankruptcy, death, but also will be dragged into the banking industry to stay, The abyss of bad loans, then the Chinese non-performing loans ratio of commercial banks to rise again 20%--25% China's economy would fall into the icehouse. Therefore, the immediate big, Fundamental adjustments, in fact impossible, but also extremely harmful, then this year's Paul 8%, in the first half of 7.1% in the second quarter of 7.9% Will be destroyed. This is China, who will never be done. Therefore, the only mention of "the changing situation at home and abroad", the "Appropriate and timely fine-tuning.”If the State Council to adopt this view, then the central bank's open market operations will be more. However, a major adjustment and macroeconomic policy are modest disruption liberal monetary policy is impossible. In this way, the whole economy, the market will have a certain degree of stability and continuity. (B) The fear of the "inflation risk" is almost impossible to. Some expert’s worry that extraordinary growth of credit will trigger inflation, In this regard, I think there is inflation in the past year is unlikely to happen. The expansion of household consumption will be extremely difficult (and in the past have said in the blog), Now repeat:

China’s economy, there is a serious aoc power leveling capacity, combined with the 4 Trillion investment (Can not deny that some industries will increase the excess capacity situation).Is not only the means of production, but there are also consumer goods overcapacity. Oversupply How panic buying? How their prices? 2. Exports continued to decline, many domestic export-oriented enterprises to switch, oversupply even worse.3.Students unemployment rate, Unemployment rate for laid-off workers, migrant workers returning rate is still at a high level. Where there is mind, the Post Office Consumption. (Ministry of Education 7 Months 1 Daily News: 2009 Years 611 Million university graduates did not find a job 196 Million, accounting for 32 %)

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