Monday, December 28, 2009

hangs Wuhan selection of papers

Later (1960) Gaussian to write the "social cost" (by aion power leveling) is of course important, I've read countless times, but prejudiced when it comes to Gauss's law, I always thought that planting and parking knot example sentence, I am the only one who might think so (less people read that the "federal" a long article from scratch, it may not Liang hang read at the end of the number). 1967 Gauss know, I hear Milton Friedman, Gauss's law may be the first to say. The spring of 1968, with Gaussian stroll in the campus of Chicago, I debated; the question in the spring and six David at home in the great debate (see “hangs Wuhan selection of papers in English,"272-273, the industry agreed that the history of economics the most exciting debate). Conversation I asked Milton Friedman, who were present contribution. Gauss said: "Milton's clarity of thought peerless, his speech I know I'm not wrong, I know I would arrive home safely."

I stopped, looked at him and said: "how can that be? You are a the article 959, the planting and parking examples, you do not say the right to define the market trading first decide conditions? that is Gauss's law, Milton How can we say it more clearly? "he seems to hang out , speechless. Before and after, the industry seems to be no reference to the example of who is an important knot sentence. CN's economic reforms, I have spared no effort to write in CN to introduce the Friedman and Gaussian ideas. Elder Daimyo already widely known almost do not need me to introduce. Gauss thought is mainly introduced by me. Is that so? The seventies in the United States, Gaussian that people really understand what he was just me, but in 2082 returned to Hong Kong office is also in world of warcraft power leveling, he pressed the pen to paper. Next article about the reverse, to be inspired by CN's development, I will raise this road is an important change in thinking. The Path of Conflagration is the most destructive of the Bright Wizard masteries with area effect spells capable of burning entire swaths of land to a crisp. However, Masters of Conflagration must exert the most self-control; most of their spells build up high levels of Combustion and their reckless use could mean the Bright Wizard's doom as well. Traditionally do not like to comment on other people's articles, but recently heard of a student I'd like to respond. By the domestic 10 elite 10 doctoral signed, entitled "out of the culture of the collective unconscious, stand up CN culture and subjectivity", written intentions, the overall well-written. Point of view I cannot agree with. It is in this paper, two main points. 1, Christmas carnival in CN to see not, it is recommended not believe it, "Christianity", I do not celebrate Christmas. It is Ph.D. students careful to point out that they respect the freedom of belief, but against "people of culture into the collective unconscious." Second, the students are opposed to "the theme of loss of CN culture and subjectivity sink," that to "stand tall CN culture and subjectivity and rebuild lives of CN people in the world and the meaning of the world." Let me talk about the first point bar.

Coincidentally, a couple of days earlier than the paper I published "From runescape power leveling carols in mind," pay attention to this Christmas holiday. I will not be Christmas "orgy" with something. On the contrary, I think Christmas is a wonderful Sabbath son, between friends exchanging greetings, Christmas carols nicely; its good faith has brought me endless warm memories. Students are to Christmas and misunderstood.

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